Facing Open House

Oh, Open House! The scramble to get ready, the shaking of what seems like a million hands, the graceful (you hope) redirection of parent disclosures that are better saved for a private meeting time, the insights gained from seeing interactions between kids and their parents, the happy reunions with former students who are back for a visit with their younger siblings (or, as is now my surreal reality, with their children), and the bleary-eyed stumble home after a 12+ hour day at school. Open House is always a wonderful event, but it’s exhausting!

This year, inspired by lots of great Open House ideas from other counselors’ blogs, I suggested to my co-counselor that we try something different. (more…)

Resource for Parents: How to Talk to Children About the Recent Shooting

The recent shooting in Aurora, Colorado is a terrifying specter to all of us, but especially to children. I know that some of our kids must be frightened and, without school in session, may not have the opportunity to talk about their fears. I’m sure that many of them have seen lots of media coverage and may be thinking about all the times that they have been to the movies and what it will be like when they go the next time. Some of them were anxiously awaiting the new Batman movie and that excitement and anticipation may now be mixed with fear or anxiety. At times like this I wish school was in session. We would have (more…)

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