Doin’ My Thing With LibraryThing

I am beyond excited! I’m making major headway on a project I started (and stalled on) last summer – cataloging all my school books with LibraryThing. LibraryThing is a comprehensive web-based cataloging service that allows you to enter, tag, organize, review, rate and SHARE your books and/or entire library with others. Yes, share! The whole thing, not just a book at a time. Not only am I going to be more organized at school, I’m also going to be able to connect and share resources with others, especially with other school counselors. LibraryThing is also available via mobile devices, but you do not need a smartphone to use it. Here’s how you can get started too! (more…)

Helping the “Cafeteria Fringe”

At the library the other day, I picked up a copy of The Geeks Shall Inherit the Earth: Popularity, Quirk Theory, and Why Outsiders Thrive After High School by Alexandra Robbins. The book gives an inside view of what it’s like to be a member of the “cafeteria fringe” — marginalized kids who are ignored and/or tormented by other students. It follows six students and (spoiler alert) a marginalized teacher at different high schools — self-identified band geek, loner, new girl, gamer, loner, nerd, and “popular” girl trying to break out of her mean girl group and image. Robbins’ premise, which she calls “quirk theory,” is that the very characteristics that can lead (more…)

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